What is Website Maintenance?
Website maintenance is the simple act of regularly checking your website for problems and then making sure that everything is up to date and relevant. You need to do this consistently in order to ensure that the website remains updated, safe, and secure. This encourages growth in traffic and boosts your SEO and rankings on Google.
Whether you are a big company, an individual, or a small business owner, it is imperative to keep your website up to date. This allows you to engage and interact with consumers and potential visitors on your site and prevents major problems on your site.
Website maintenance is all about bringing workload efficiencies to automate as many operations as possible. It involves checking the backup health of your website, and testing the website on different browsers to make sure it’s running smoothly.
Some of the most common website maintenance services include:
- 24/7/365 Support
- Managed Security
- 24/7 Real-time Monitoring
- PHP 7.3 Ready Servers
- Regularly updating the website
- Running backups
- Removing spam comments
- Updating the content
- Testing page speeds
- Checking opt-in forms